The Kolkata Bloggers

Monday 3 August 2015

Microsoft Introduces Hololens in the time frame of Windows 10


Ever thought about a virtual reality, to aid your projects giving you a 3-D impression of your product, offering you a whole new set of holograms to blend in with your environment and guess what, all at the expense of   gestures.

Microsoft Hololens

A headband designed for comfort, integrated with Windows 10 requiring
  • no external wires
  • no external cameras
  • no connections to phones 
giving you the freedom to walk completely untethered.

Hololens comes with an advanced HPU(Holographic ProcessingUnit) that processes data around you per second, sensing where one looks and gestures, thus mapping the world around in real-time.


 Hololens comes with sensors capturing information about your actions and  advanced optics that generate multi-dimensional full-colour images, letting holograms be created around.
    Hololens has speakers that produce spatial

Hololens comes with a HoloStudio, pretty much like Paint only here you can get the various holograms letting you create what you love.
         To watch a live demonstration of the Hololens, click here.


Hololens is probably Microsoft's coolest product in a long time and by the looks of it can make a real difference to the way we work. And what more, you can  
          be a part of this revolutionary technology at Build 2015.


Hololens is being used by architects and constructors by bringing 3-D 
models to life.



Live Mars projection in lab

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
 will soon explore Mars using Mars
 Rover images to have a real life feel 
 of how it is to be there thus helping
 to learn faster.

Case Western Reserve University using Hololens

                       Hololens partners:

  For more news and information, keep watching this space.