The Kolkata Bloggers
Showing posts with label Fun Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fun Read. Show all posts

Sunday 16 August 2015

A Woman's Ideal Smartphone

Who said that the smartphones have to be necessarily smart? Thay can be quite dumb. Remember those incessant attempts you made to shut some stupid "Software Update" process? Or that one time when you had managed to click the best selfie of your life and your smart phone decided to just delete it? Nothing's ever good enough for a woman is it?

I was thoroughly upset with my smartphone last night as it suddenly developed a mind of it's own and automatically wiped out my entire album. Now-a-days we rarely use cameras, and no I am not talking about the expensive for "display-pictures only" DSLRsPictures are like trapped memories, the only way to freeze time. This got me thinking that what is an ideal smartphone for me? I have a lot of requirements which are star marked and absolutely necessary, and I speak in behalf of the fairer sex.

  • The first thing about the cellphone should be it's optimum size. Fashion accessories are trending and believe it or not, we are silently judged on them as well. So it is pretty important for us to get such smartphone which doesn't resemble a pet dog or a pen-drive. Therefore the perfect size is the one, where it effortlessly fits into our evening clutch without any hassle.

  • The second one would a good front and back camera. I know for a fact that the camera quality depends on megapixels (Thank God for Wikipedia), so higher the mp better the camera. Any 21st century girl, who wants to keep up with a proper social life has to take selfies. You Tech Geeks invented the various applications, namely Instagram, Snapchat and others of the like remember? Now a good camera guarantees good pictures, and nothing makes a woman more happy than a flawless, double-chinless, perfect pout, glowing skin picture.

  • The third requirement would be it's internal memory. Even though we have Security Digital Cards to our rescue, a good brain with a lot of space always has its own benefits.

  • The fourth one would be good speakers. As Friedrich Nietzsche said, "Without music, life would be a big mistake", listening to good music has so many perks. It lightens your mood, cheers you up instantaneously and factually, it occupies a higher section of your brain than language does. Could you imagine your plight if your smart phone speakers are not upto the mark and everytime you need to plug the earphones in? Not a very "smart" idea is it? 

With that I conclude my stipulations and I believe the list was not too tedious. Smartphones have become this integral part of our life, something without which we cannot function. Without the cellphone in our hand we feel like we're losing our identity. Our generation is so dependant on technology. From the time the sun distributes it's generous rays till the time the moon takes a dip, we need the cellphone. Someone has so rightly pointed out that, we are such an era where the cellphone's are smart and people are dumb. Smartphones, which started out as an auxiliary source has now become an essential commodity

Sunday 9 August 2015

From the pages of a Tech Neophyte

The title did make your eyes go up a bit, didn't it? Well this isn't a conventional read like the other two posts

How many of us has shrunk in a corner as soon as some techy mentioned "Quad- Core Processor"? How many of us judge phones on the basis of front and back cameras megapixels? Guess what, my mind conjured statistics say that almost 70% people suffer through the same "NoTechyKnowledge" Syndrome.

I would like to start by saying that my grasp on technical knowledge is less than satisfactory. But that does not mean I am not willing to learn more about it from the veterans and I speak for all those unfortunate souls who, inspite of having the desire to participate in a tech convo, are too shy to say so.

From a non-technical person's point of view, technological and electrical components are as tough as complex integral maths and sometimes as boring as RGV ki Aag ( I still want my money back). The main purpose of this blog is to bring out the technical stuff to you in such a way that even a person like me finds interest in it and it is well within the threshold of my comprehension. 

Every time my techy friends start a convo 

Lastly, it is okay to not know everything. It is acceptable to give your tech friends a blank stare which might exasperate them to no end. So next time you are sitting amidst such hardcore Tech Geeks, just saythat you do not understand them without any inhibition at all, because c'mon everybody loves to indoctrinate novices.